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Fireplace & Wood Stove Repairs, Installations & Relining

Maintaining your fireplace and wood stove appliance is important and it is easy to see when parts may need to be updated or replaced. We replace standard parts for most wood stove models and also repair parts of your fireplace including screens, doors, trim plates and more. There are many details when something may not be working properly, call us today and we can guide you in the right direction. 

Wood Stove Repairs
Wood Stove Installation and Chimney Relining

There is not a more satisfying way to heat your home than with a wood burning appliance. Our goal is to provide top quality work without hidden or unnecessary costs. Whether your best option is to reline an an existing chimney with a properly sized flue, or install insulated “Class A” chimney to vent your wood stove, we can get you set up and ready to burn.

If a chimney is damaged or has deteriorated over time, it may be necessary to reline the chimney for continued use. A common reason for relining a chimney is that terra cotta flue tiles are cracked or otherwise damaged, which can easily occur as the result of a chimney fire.

Stainless Steel Chimney Liner

(828) 577-8318

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